10 DECEMBER 2024 - 1 MARCH 2025
HABITA79 MGallery Pompeii concludes the 2024 season with the solo exhibition "Sequenze" by Silvia Beltrami.
The project is
directed towards a material study characterized by the fresco tearing technique, a procedure by which a fresco is taken away from its original wall, by removing the pictorial part and the surface plaster
and then transferred onto a new support (calicot method from the name of the thin canvas also called "grandmother's rag" which is used to remove the fresco) where the artist subsequently intervenes by applying fragments of coated paper.
Sequenze draws inspiration from the current events of our times which, mediated by the mass media, become propaganda, not allowing space for free thought and therefore feeding homogenisation. These works reproduce reality using fragments
of reality, interpreting new infinite lives through them, where each fragment has its own history and the more they are, the more they overlap with each other and the more they lose their original identity, quoting the movie by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert “Everything everywhere all at once”.
Silvia Beltrami always places the figure as a point of reference, expressing in this way a poetics whose fulcrum is humanity, a humanity constantly running away from itself and from the others. The exhibition creates a dialogue between collage and fresco, between reality and historical knowledge, between the weight of the past and the fragmentation of the present.
The selected works lead us to think about the structure of our collective transitive memory, a legacy of the heritage of Italian art.
Silvia Beltrami decontextualizes the fresco and reinterprets it through her artistic research.
“… The fresco, the lime mural painting on just applied and therefore still damp plaster, that is in the true sense of the word “fresco”,
more than merely a painting technique, it is almost an Italian brand. …”
Arnold Nesselrath.

Martedi 10 Dicembre, ore 20,00 Nicola Ruocco, fondatore degli Gli Incontri di Valore presenta personale "Sequenze" di Silvia Beltrami ad Habita79 MGallery a Pompei a cura di Stefano Costantini direttore della Ticinese Art Gallery.
HABITA79 MGallery Pompeii
via Roma 10,
Pompei (NA)

from November 22 to November 24, 2024.
Carlos Albert, Silvia Beltrami, Giulio Cassanelli, Omar Galliani, Nello Petrucci, Pino Pinelli, Roberto Rinella
Ticinese Art GalleryStand H 34-36
2 to 24 November will see the fourth edition of Arte in Nuvola, the international contemporary and modern art fair hosted by Fuksas’s Nuvola, emblem of avant-garde culture in Rome’s EUR District.
The event is a true artistic hub, bringing together artists, galleries, art lovers, and major institutions to offer a visual and sensory experience of diverse creative expressions within the exceptional setting of La Nuvola.
Centro Congressi La Nuvola Roma
Viale Asia, 40-44
Opening Times:
10.30am to 8.30pm

11 October 2024 - 13 October 2024
Carlos Albert, Silvia Beltrami, Omar Galliani, Nello Petrucci, Pino Pinelli, Roberto Rinella
The 2024 edition of ArtVerona, to be held from 11 to 13 October, will come to a close while giving continuity to an artistic journey that from the outset has promoted the Italian art system, which represents the beating heart of this event, and it could not be otherwise.
Veronafiere | Pavilions 11 and 12
Re Teodorico Entrance, Viale dell’Industria
tel.+39 045 8298594

31 Maggio 2024 - 10 Agosto 2024
Kranj, Slovenia
Silvia Beltrami,
Suzana Brborović,
Ana Čavić,
Philip Carney,
Duša Jesih,
Chris Kenny,
Bodo Korsig,
Pim Palsgraaf,
Oliver Pilić,
María Elisa Quiaro,
Giuseppe Ragazzini,
Saskia Reis,
Michela Taeggi,
Consuelo Zatta

SAC spazio arte contemporanea
9 March 2024 - 6 April 2024
Silvia Beltrami, Marianna Bussola, Anna Caruso, Antonella Casazza, Elisa Cella, Eleonora Chiesa, Cristina Costanzo, Ilaria Del Monte, Loredana Galante, Debora Garritani, Giovanna Lacedra, Coquelicot
Mafille, Florencia Martinez, Marta Mez, Elena Monzo, Saba Najafi, Ieva Petersone, Alessandra Rovelli, Marta Sesana, Milena Sgambato, Tina Sgrò,
Sanda Skujina, Vania Elettra Tam, Francesca Vitali Boldini
IVenus in Furs (1870) the novel by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, remains a renowned book in the collective memory: Severin, a simple man, tells his absolute devotion for Wanda, a woman that he identifies as Venus, the goddess of love.
In Severin's room, a painting dominates the setting, he said the artwork was inspired by Tiziano’s Venus in the mirror, which depicts a northern Venus wearing only a fur coat: she is the incarnation of the perfect woman according to his fantasies.
But the protagonist rebels and emancipates herself from the ideal she is associated to by taking her fur off, the same fur that imprisoned her in a role.>
Venus in Furs is the final affirmation both of the desire of self expression and of the creative instinct conceived as a generating force on a deeper level.>
The collective exhibition "Venus in Furs" brings together a group of artists who have decided to express their creativity and their artworks projecting them as a life driven energy, the famous Eros described by Freud, named from the Greek god of love.
Each artist dialogs returning a large fresco where different areas of research investigate the contemporary fabric of existence using different mediums.>
We talk about the theme of memory and the perception of time, memories from the past, the unconscious and its unexplored places, crossing the female body that appears sinuous and fluctuating like a veil or a sculpture.
The woman and her nowadays representation is examined while living her classic role of angel of the hearth. The female image is painted while she is locked up in suffocating domestic settings permeated with inflorescences or while dealing with common chores.
The displayed artworks are also linked to current events, to their social issues that involve anti- speciesism and the female world, outlining painful paths that lead to rebirth and self-discovery.
Art has the social value of bringing people together, of unity, art acts like a collective ritual where the Greek principle of kalocagathia reigns, in this world beauty is goodness.>
The collective exhibition “Venus in Furs” was possible thanks to the commitment of Loredana Galante, Marta Mez and Antonella Casazza, who created a committee that coordinated and fulfilled the project.

SAC Spazio Arte Contemporanea
ingresso da, Via umberto I 110, Via Giosuè Carducci, 2, 20020 Robecchetto con Induno MI
tel. +39 03311227674 -

november 1st 2023 - February 27th 2024
The theme of this Biennale is "One World·One Family," which
upholds the concept of a "community with a shared future for mankind" and conveys the shared aspiration to build a better life for humanity.
Against the backdrop of our global village, the destinies of every nation and every individual are closely intertwined.
We should stand together through thick and thin, share weal and woe,
and work hand in hand to create a platform for exchange and cooperation towards a brighter future.
The theme of this exhibition spans from the ancient to the
present, starting from the traditional intangible cultural heritage
and moving towards the contemporary art works.
It aims to
faciliate a dialogue between Chinese and foreign paper art
civilizations to the public.
While appreciating and understanding
the intangible cultural heritage of countries around the world, the general
public will also have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the enduring charm of Chinese
civilization and gain insights into paper art works across different time periods, spaces, and cultural backgrounds.
This exhibition will contribute to the advancement of social aesthetic education strategy and further promote cultural self- confidence and self-improvement.
fengxian museum
shanghai(no.333 hupan road
fengxian district, shanghai,china)
museum open day:9:00-16:30 (tue-sun.)
feast on paper - catalogue of the 2023 shanghai international paper art biennale
shanghai municipal administration of culture and tourismi
shanghai institute of visual arts
committee of oriental beauty valley art festival, fengxian, shanghai
culture and tourism bureau of fengxian district, shanghai
fengxian museum
school of fashion design,shanghai institute of visual arts paper+ studio
intangible cultural heritage preservation and promotion center of fengxian district, shanghai
shanghai public art museum
intangible cultural heritage preservation and promotion center of shanghai
international association of hand papermakers and paper artists
institute of handmade paper university of science and technology of china institute of chinese folk art of south china university of technology sculpture magazine of china
magazine of shanghai art & crafts
culture and art committee of shanghai creative industry association shanghai international federation of women artists
guangdong academy of original arts

Silvia Beltrami, Omar Galliani, Laura Gonzales, Piero Gilardi, Renato Guttuso, Pino Pinelli
Ticinese Art Gallery
Sharing #2 is the inaugural project of the 2023 season of the Ticinese Art Gallery. A collective exhibition
which heralds future events, characterizing the year with a selection of great masters who continue to mark the time of art history.
The event, now in its second edition, aims to present the visual arts starting from the careful analysis of the design aspect and
conceptual, without submitting to the various classifications of styles and historical periods.(by google translate)
Ticinese Art Gallery San Gottardo, 37 - 20136 Milan
Opening time: 10-13 / 15-19 - close on monday mornings and holidays
public holidays by appointment only
Direction: MM2 Porta Genova - Tram 3 / 9 / 10 - Filobus 90 / 91

BAF - Bergamo Arte Fiera 2023
Silvia Beltrami, Stefano Bombardieri, Emanuele Giannelli, Matthias Sieff, Ludovic Thiriez, Dario Tironi
GALLERY GARE 82 Pad.B,Stand 34
From 13 to 15 January 2023 there Bergamo Fair will host the eighteenth edition of BAF extension – Bergamo Art Fair, the Promoberg srl market exhibition dedicated to modern and contemporary art.
The event, which kicks off in pavilion B at the same time as the high antiques fair IFA – Italian Fine Art hosted in pavilion A until 22 January, this year too it will be enriched by a series of
side events between exhibitions, installations and talks of wide interest.
Fiera di Bergamo via Lunga
Friday 13:
3.00 PM – 7.00 PM
Saturday 14 and Sunday 15:
10.00 AM – 7.00 PM

3 DECEMBER 2022 / 7 JANUARY 2023
Curated by Giorgio Bonomi and Federica Picco
“Lost in Translation” is the first solo exhibit by artist Silvia Beltrami at Gare 82.
The exhibition, curated by Giorgio Bonomi and Federica Picco, presents unpublished works and less recent works
illustrating the research that the artist has been pursuing consistently for a long time: an accurate study aimed
at the postmodern condition that has its roots in the thought of Zygmunt Bauman and that reaches Jacques Derrida’s
theories about deconstruction which Beltrami appropriates by translating them into tools used to investigate human identity.
Her works are fragmented, decomposed realities–deconstructed, in fact–and then recovered through the masterful use of
the collage technique. Representations that reveal the artist’s precise will to express movement in its various forms up to
the convulsive one of the “vortex” which, in her works, takes on profound formal and conceptual meanings that reflect on the loneliness of an individual, dragged and isolated in a swirling solitude.
Silvia Beltrami was born in Rome in 1974. She obtained her artistic diploma in Lovere (Bergamo) and then graduating from the Brera Academy in Milan.
The exhibition is illustrated in a catalogue with critical texts by Giorgio Bonomi and Federica Picco, with a biography of the artist by Paolo Bolpagni.
Gallery Gare 82 via Villa Glori 5 Brescia

ArtVerona | #italiansystem
14 Ottobre / 16 Ottobre 2022
Silvia Beltrami | Stefano Bombardieri | Gabriele Garbolino Rù | Ludovic Thiriez
The 17th edition of ArtVerona will be held from 14 to 16 October 2022,
under the art direction of Stefano Raimondi and a consolidated team ready to face the challenges posed by the global situation to all art
system operators. ArtVerona 2022, in continuing its identity and its mission that places it as the fair of reference for the enhancement of
and support to the Italian art system, is proposing an edition that will develop throughout the year with the production of contents and meetings
that anticipate and promote the Fair’s physical experience.

Curated by Federica Picco
18 Dicembre / 15 January 2021
Silvia Beltrami | Simone Benedetto | Valentina Biasetti | Valeria Vaccaro
The Flâneurs and navigators exhibition intends to offer an opportunity to slow down and enter the creative process of four artists
very different from each other but whose reflections clearly converge towards the post-modern condition and whose techniques, which move in the field of figuration, require executions with precise times.(By google translate)

is pleased to present 'WUNDERKAMMER', a collective exhibition curated by Maria Ares Chillon and Francesco Maria Gamba.
A project in collaboration with Atelier Viandanti, Lugano (CH)
9 December / 22 December 2021
Silvia Beltrami | Pablo Bermudez | Maria Bertossi |
Giulio Cassanelli | Alessandro Ciffo | Cracking Art | Mario Daniele | Paolo Della Ciana | Matteo Galvano | Francesco Maria Gamba |
Manuele Geromini | Noemi Heidel | Roberto Kusterle |
Carolina Lopez | Leonardo Lussana | Joanpere Massana | Andréanne Oberson | Vanessa Orelli | Gianluca Quaglia |
Nicolò Quirico | Massimiliano Rossetto | Nicole Santin |
Han Sessions | Urban Solid
9 December / Dj Onibas
Performance “portraits on the sofa” / 9 - 11 December / Han Sessions
Spinoff / showcase space / 9 - 22 December 2021 / Francesco Maria Gamba
La mostra collettiva Wunderkammer vuole essere per noi un evento di fine anno dove la nostra esperienza progettuale decennale nel mondo dell’arte contemporanea
e della cultura si esprime nell’unire artisti nazionali ed internazionali in una sorta di camera delle meraviglie.
Allo stesso tempo la Wunderkammer descrive al meglio l’attenzione e la devozione che abbiamo prestato nell’anno intercorso
sul territorio con grandi sforzi e sacrifici per dare visibilità ad un ruolo, quello dell’artista contemporaneo, che in un
momento storico come questo sembra essere svanito nel nulla…. VOGLIAMO ricordare che senza l’arte contemporanea non ci sarà futuro:
l’arte contemporanea stimola il pensiero, la curiosità e l’immaginazione… tre elementi fondamentali per lo sviluppo di questa e delle future generazioni…. ed è questo il nostro intento.
La Wunderkammer è soprattutto una festa dedicata a noi stessi, agli artisti presenti e coloro che parteciperanno all’evento!
Maria Ares Chillon e Francesco Maria Gamba

Atelier Viandanti - Riva Caccia, 1. Lugano, Svizzera.

2021 Shanghai International Paper Art Biennale
Fengxian Museum
Curated by Anson Ou
25 settembre - 25 novembre 2021
The epidemic that began at the end of 2019 has sealed
each individual in an independent space, while at the same
time being engulfed in a closely related human community.
This is an era full of various uncertainties and possibilities.
Questions about oneself, the space and the world are endless,
and the meaning of existence and unbounded love emerge
surgingly. We need paper art more than ever. As an outlet for
expression and writing, it comes from life and is a daily poetry
regained in the world's great torrent, and it shows a great love
that connects everyone while brings hope to each other.
In this biennale, a various thoughts of artists around world will
be presented, concerning the epidemic, nature, live, promising
hope and the great love.
The paper that has always written
history will continue to write in the form of contemporary art
at this moment, taking the real-time picture of epidemics and the river of consciousness.
At the same time, we are able to swim through the cold winter and head towards the next spring, along with the soft yet tough power of paper.

Fengxian Museum
Shanghai(No.333 Hupan Road
Fengxian District, Shanghai,China)
Museum Open Day:9:00-16:30 (Tue-Sun.)
Feast On Paper - Catalogue of the 2021 Shanghai International Paper Art Biennale
Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourismi
Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts
Committee of Oriental Beauty Valley Art Festival, Fengxian, Shanghai
Culture and Tourism Bureau of Fengxian District, Shanghai
Fengxian Museum
School of Fashion Design,Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts Paper+ Studio
Intangible Cultural Heritage Preservation and Promotion Center of Fengxian District, Shanghai

3 October - 6 March 2022
Ina Fekken, Anne Vilsboll, Helene Tschacher, Elly Prestegård, S. Huellmann, Wilhelm Schramm, Silvia Beltrami, Young Soon Cha,
Michaela Schwarzmann, Tatjana Roz, Eszter Bornemisza, May-Lucy Süess, Theresia Hillebrand, Ida Guldhammer, Viviane Colautti Ivanova and other Artists
In 2021 Deggendorf is going to become the centre of International Paper Art once again! Already for the 5th time, the City- and Craft-Museum is going to present the Paper Global,
the International Paper Arts Triennale. The focus is on the large judged art exhibition of paper art. The new date of the exhibition opening ist 2nd October 2021.

Papier Global
Stadtmuseum Deggendorf, Östlicher Stadtgraben 30

19 May - 30 June 2021